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If you’re interested in our service, please send us an email at and tell us a little about you and/or your organization or business. Feel free to ask us any questions you might have about us and our service.

If it looks like we’re a good fit for each other, we’ll send you an invoice so that we can get started whenever you’re ready.

We look forward to working with you.

Rick Bowers, MS, EurekaVision

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Frequently Asked Questions

Will I own the copyright for the work once it’s turned over to me?

Yes. The copyright will belong to you after you make final payment for the site. If full payment is not made for the site, copyright for the work will remain with or revert to EurekaVision.

What do you need from me?

We design your site largely based on the writing and graphics you provide. If you do not wish to, or are unable to, provide us with the text and graphics we need, you can hire us for an additional fee to provide them.

Website owners are also responsible for providing any legal policiies, such as their Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy and Terms of Service. Since these are legal documents, EurekaVision is unable to provide those aspects of your site.

There are various online services that will help you produce those policies.

What if I don’t like the design?

We provide two rounds of revisions for each page as part of our fee. If more revisions are required after that, there will be an additional fee. However, EurekaVision may, at its sole discretion, waive all or part of that fee.

What if I need help after the site is launched?

As part of its service, EurekaVision will help you make minor updates to your site for three months after it’s launched. After that period, or if you require major changes, you may contract with EurekaVision or another company to assist you. We can contract with you on an as-needed basis or via a monthly retainer.

Note: EurekaVision reserves the right to deny any work for any reason. If we do so, we will, of course, refund any part of your payment that we deem appropriate for that part of the project unless you replace it with other tasks.
